Franchising in General – Foodservice in Particular –


Managing Partner at SCB SUBSAHARA

15+ years in strategy consulting experience (BCG, OC&C).

10 years in entrepreneurship (Professional distribution services).

5 years in a senior management position with a CAC 40 company.

Serge is focused on strategies and initiatives aimed at boosting growth. (IT services, paper products, aluminum products, building materials, electrical systems, etc.).

He has extensive knowledge of key sub-Saharan markets (Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, etc.).

Author of numerous press articles on growth perspectives in a large array of industries.

Extensively quoted in the last comprehensive study about Africa issued by Reuters.

Serge is also the author of 2 books dealing with growth strategies: “Quand les RH construisent la croissance” and “Notre avenir dépend d’eux”, Bourin Editeur, 2010.

Serge graduated from École Centrale de Paris, holds an MBA degree from Wharton (University of Pennsylvania).